To get my glowing spheres hung, I am making a grid of sorts between the roof line and a post in the yard. 1. Dig a big hole for pipe. I have dug down about 4 feet, and set a piece of 1.5″ galvanized steel pipe w/ concrete into the ground. only about 2 inches [...]
Almost Time
Its the end of october now, and crunch time for christmas! 2 Laminar jets are built, but still need finishing touches and mounting. LOR released v3, and now has DMX support with ENTTEC usb adapters – thats great news, as I can now use my RGB Pixel strings, and DMX controlled Fiber optic illuminator. The [...]
Ramping up for 2011
Its mid july, and I cant wait for winter – and the cool weather to get here. Some plans for this year : 1. Light O Rama says they will have cheap DMX this year. Im keeping my fingers crossed, and have ordered some RGB Led Pixels from overseas. These are LPD-6803 pixels, with a [...]
Ready to Light the Night
Saturday November 27th 7:00pm We are ready for Lights ON! We hope to see all our friends to help us kick off the holiday season at our yard lighting party.
Almost done with setup
Everything is out in the yard, and I finished connecting and labeling most of the cabbles last night. Controllers need to be plugged in, and sequencing must be finished.
Its begining to look a lot like…
CHRISTMAS! Halloween is all taken down, and I spent the weekend wrapping posts in rope light, attaching the “fill” lights to the railing, and laying out thousands of feet of electrical cord. Lessons learned – Rope light is WAS easier to wrapp while “hot”. almost all the lights are out, just a couple strands left [...]
Side Tracked – Halloween
Its just a bunch of stuff that gets in the way of me setting up for Christmas! But its October, and I promised the Wife a Couffin this year. So my friend Nick came over and 3 sheets of plywood, some nails, and 4 hours later – we had a couffin. We will have a [...]
FloodLight Power Supply
Everyone keeps telling me “use a DC Controller for your Rainbow Flood” – I understand, I just dont agree. I took (3) 12v transformers, and connected those to 3 rectifiers, (one for each color) and then connected that to an rJ-45. The danger here is that there is no regulation on the transformers, and they [...]
EL Wire Grass
So this part took a while- I wanted to make something that looked like grass – but could light up. So I took about 40 pieces of EL Wire, chopped it into bits, soldered what felt like a million pieces onto wire, and drilled another 40 holes into some PVC pipe. Some hot glue to [...]
FM Transmitter
This part will allow us to transmitt the Music from our show to an FM Radio station so people driving by can hear the music in there car. We will still have small outdoor speakers for people that walk by on foot.