Its mid july, and I cant wait for winter – and the cool weather to get here.
Some plans for this year :
1. Light O Rama says they will have cheap DMX this year. Im keeping my fingers crossed, and have ordered some RGB Led Pixels from overseas. These are LPD-6803 pixels, with a DMX adapter at the end.
2. Fountians. Last year I said this year would be adding fire or water. This seems much safer. So I am in process of building 2 laminar jets. I have 1 jet done right now, trying to get a “cutter” mechanisim in place, and also some lighting. The jet is mostly PVC and drinking straws, with a custom cut sliver of metal at the end ( Thanks Mark ) Its like a washer with a bevel that comes to a razor edge. For lighting a brass rod is fed into the center of the PVC base, and 1 or more stands of PMMA fiber is fed into the middle
Here is what is looks like right now.